Sammi is a Springer Spaniel that lives with his owner Janie in Simi Valley. He is a very active dog that loves to play in the outdoors and would often run around. His mom said that Sammie seems to never run out of energy.
But then, when the dog was eight years old, Janie started noticing that her pooch was walking with a limp one day. And it looked like it kept getting worse as each day passed. Two weeks after first noticing his mobility problems, the dog started falling down while he was walking. So she took her to a vet.
The bad news
After undergoing a variety of medical tests, the vet discovered that a growing bone was putting pressure on his spinal cord. He had a slipped disk on his neck. The dog needed surgery as the bone kept on growing.
Janie agreed, and Sammie had an operation. He also had to spend nine days in the clinic to recuperate. When he was released, Sammi was sent to a rehabilitation clinic in Santa Monica.
Sadly though, even with the surgery, the dog still couldn’t move. He even had difficulties raising his head. His condition looked so bleak that a lot of people thought that he may never lead a normal life again.
That didn’t discourage the dog’s therapists. They put him in an intensive rehabilitation program and worked with the paralyzed dog every day. They could also see that Sammi was determined to walk again. This inspired them even more.
They worked endlessly strengthening his core muscles. They also spent hours assisting the dog to walk on an underwater treadmill. Progress came, but it was slow. After months of therapy, the day they waited for finally came. Sammi stood up on his own and started walking.
Soon he was able to run, jump, and swim. And when Janie found out, she was ecstatic. She couldn’t believe that her dog could move again. But there he was, ready to live a normal life again, thanks to the many people who believed in him.
Source: calanimalrehab07 via Youtube