Indoor Dog Exercises To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Active This Winter
How to keep you and your dog healthy this winter.

It’s getting cold outside! So how do you keep your dog healthy in the warmth of your own home?
Did you know that owning a dog can make you healthier? In a previous article, we highlighted the scientifically proven benefits of having a dog on your health. Not only do you become more physically fit from your daily walks with your pup, you also get mental benefits as you enjoy the fresh air and socialise with your neighbours.
However, as the temperatures drop outside, you might want to stay in the warmth and comfort of your own home instead. But you also want to keep your dog active and healthy. After all, they’re not used to being in one spot all day. So what can you do?
Here are some indoor dog exercises that you can do from the comfort of your own home. All you need is some free space (you might need to shuffle the furniture around) and some free time.
So make sure that your water bottle is filled, and your dog’s water bowl is topped up, and let’s get started!
Indoor Dog Exercises To Keep Your Dog Healthy This Winter
1. Dog + Yoga = Doga!
You’ve most likely know what yoga is, and you’ve probably done it before. Yoga can be simultaneously mentally stimulating, yet relaxing. So why not do it with your dog?
Yoga will brighten up your day, relieve stress and any residual anxiety you’ve been carrying throughout the day. Now, your dog can enjoy its benefits too!
You can either do your own yoga exercises with your dog watching, or you can help your dog do its own yoga positions. Downward Facing Dog and Chair Pose are two easy positions for your dog to start with. Another easy position for beginner dogs is the Puppy Paw Mudra.

You love yoga, and so will your dog! Why not give Doga (Dog + Yoga) a go this winter?
2. Toys Galore!
If you don’t have much time to spend playing with your pets, why not get them an interactive toy? Whether it’s a simple treat dispensing puzzle, a mini trampoline, or even an automatic tennis ball thrower, interactive toys will keep your dog active and entertained for a long time.

Giving your dog mentally stimulating toys can keep them entertained for hours!
3. Engage Them With Fun Training Exercises.
You know who loves indoor games? Children! But so do dogs! While bunkered down inside the warmth of your home, you can still keep your dog active.
You can play some tug-of-war, practise their jumping abilities by throwing some soft toys in the air, or even design an indoor obstacle course for your pooch. So why not build them an indoor, dog-inspired, American Ninja Warrior obstacle course?
Not only do these little exercises keep your dog active, these fun exercises can also keep them entertained.

Playing tug-of-war with your dog is a great way for your dog to get exercise indoors.
4. Find Me If You Can
To keep your dogs mentally stimulated whilst keeping them active, you engage with them with a game of hide-of-seek. Simply hide their favourite toys or delicious treats around the house, and ask your pooch to find them.
Hide-and-seek with your pet isn’t only keeping them active and mentally stimulated, it’s also doing the same thing to you! You could get your creative juices flowing by thinking of bizarre places to hide their toys or treats. For example, why not hide it between the cushions of your couch? You’ll also get plenty of exercise from walking around the house as well.

Why not hide their favourite toys and treats around the home for them to find?
5. Great Time To Learn
Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? When it’s too cold to go outside, you can work on training exercises with your dog. By reinforcing their good behaviours at home in a controlled environment, they’ll be more obedient outside of the house.
If they’re still young, you can practice the basic commands such as sit, stay, lie down, and come here. If they’ve already mastered the basics, why not try and teach your dog how to do a handstand?

Take the time to train your dog in the comfort of your home this winter.
Indoor Exercises For Keeping Your Dog Active and Healthy.
Regardless of which exercise you choose to do with your dog, it’ll be physically and mentally beneficial to both you and your dog. It’ll also bring you and your dog closer and further strengthen your close relationship.
So even though it might be tempting to spend the whole day wrapped under your bed sheets and sipping a cup of nice, hot cocoa, you might want to consider spending the day doing activities that will be therapeutic for both you and your dog instead.