Your dog’s health should be near the top when it comes to your priorities. And according to a new poll by, 45% of dog owners believe that is the case.
The same poll also found that your dog is also making you healthier. Nearly half of the respondents exercise at least once a week with their dogs. Nearly three out of every four people believes that outdoor activities are better when their pooches are around.
Some interesting facts about your dog’s health and your health.
Making their owners healthier
70% of people said that getting a dog made them healthier. A lot of people who hated exercising found that they actually enjoyed physical activities after getting their dog. Additionally, having a dog encouraged their owners to explore their surrounding nature reserves, something they probably would not have done if they didn’t own a pet.

Getting a dog encouraged owners to explore their neighbouring natural reserves.
Owning a dog can also provide mental health benefits in addition to physical benefits. Doing activities together with your dog can help reduce your blood pressure, lower the risk of depression, and also provide you with more energy. By taking great care of your pets, they’re also taking care of you.
Furthermore, dogs are highly social animals. By doing mentally stimulating activities together, it builds trust and helps strengthen the bond between the two of you.
Eating Healthier Too
Another way that dogs can improve their owner’s health is through their diet. Dog owners who pay close attention to what they are feeding their dogs reported that they are also paying more attention to what they’re eating themselves. Dog owners also feel like their meals are more enjoyable if their dogs are also eating at the same time.

Dog owners who paid close attention to what they’re feeding their dog also paid close attention to what they’re eating themselves
For most dog owners, they are paying close attention to both their dog’s diet as well as their own. It’s important to make sure that you, as the dog owner, is eating a nutritionally balanced diet. It’s equally important that your dog is eating a nutritionally balanced diet too, full of high quality protein and carbs.
It is important that both the owner and their dogs eat well in order to support their active lifestyles. Having a well balanced diet ensures that both you and your dog are ready to conquer all outdoor adventures in the future.