What does it take to become a man’s best friend? Save his life? Well, that is exactly what this dog in Australia did.
Lunar is a dedicated Kelpie. Not only does she love her owner with unconditional love, she also saved her owner from their burning house overnight. Luke Arthur was sound asleep in his home in Kingston, Brisbane, when suddenly his dog Lunar startled him.
Initially, Arthur thought it was just a dream. However, when Lunar started to get more persistent, even jumping up onto his hip, Arthur knew that something wasn’t quite right. He popped his head down to take a look. Through the cracks of the door, he could see a recognisable orange glare.
Fearing for his life, Arthur sprinted outside, breaking down several doors in the process. However, he quickly darted back inside in order to retrieve his mother’s ashes.
Mr Arthur is eternally grateful for Lunar’s actions, but he also recognised how the fire could have been more catastrophic. His neighbour had only just recently moved their boat and fuel storage from next to the house.
The cause of the fire has still yet to be determined. While the pair are safe, they are without a home only a few weeks out from Christmas. Luke Arthur is only left with a few spare changes of clothes, his dogs, and his mum. However, despite all this, Arthur is still grateful that both he and his dogs are safe and sound.