The busy streets of Los Angeles used to be Olive the Cocker Spaniel’s home. She would spend every waking day trying to avoid getting beaten up by mean people. She would also scour through piles of trash to find something to fill her empty stomach.
Unlike other stray dogs, Olive had problems with her vision. She suffered from serious cataract issues that eventually made her go blind. The condition is easily treatable, but since no one was looking after her, she had to deal with it for three years.
The only time that things changed for Olive was when Bart and Holly Emmerson found her. They crossed paths on Olive street (which is why they gave her the name). The couple couldn’t find it in their hearts to leave the poor thing, so they decided to bring her home with them.
A much-needed eye surgery
Bart and Holly immediately sought the help of a veterinarian to get Olive’s eye treated. After running some tests, the vet scheduled the Cocker Spaniel for corrective eye surgery. The couple was nervous, but they knew it had to be done so Olive could see again.
After the surgery, the pooch finally got to see her fur parents. She showered with lots of furry hugs and wet kisses. It seemed like she was thanking them for giving her a chance to see the world again.
An unexpected twist
Some time after the surgery, Olive was diagnosed with glaucoma. The doctors were left with no choice but to remove both her eyes. Bart and Holly were heartbroken, but they still did their best to be there for Olive.
Despite completely losing her eyesight, Olive remains grateful. As of writing, she’s living her best life with Bart and Holly in Spain. Know more about her story in the video below:
Credits to Holly and Bart