On a curious Monday morning, Helena the dog was given up to a rescue center in Georgia by her previous owner. You wouldn’t believe the reason she was given up: she was too nice!!!!
It was clear to the staff at the center that her owner was looking for a guard dog. But unfortunately, the dog he chose was a complete marshmallow!
The Velcro Dog
Helena has been described as possessing an agreeable, friendly, and just an overall easy going attitude who loves attention. Even when she was going through the process of being transferred over to the center, she just calmly sat next to a staff member, banging her tail against the floor.
Helena is so eager to be next to people that she has earned herself the nickname of “Velcro dog”, simply because she will persistently linger next to you like a Velcro. If the pets stop coming, she will kindly give you a nudge to remind you not to stop.
Helena was originally a stray wandering the streets before she arrived at the center during the summer. When she was first brought in, she looked underfed and not in a good condition. However, her bright and friendly personality never faded.
She was adopted by the gentleman in late summer. The staff at the shelter was confused why he thought Helena might be a suitable guard dog given her lovebug personality. Maybe the reason was because Helena’s head is slightly blocky-shaped, which people can sometimes misinterpret as having an attitude.
Instead of judging Helena based off her looks, her handler at the center instead encourages you to judge her based on her personality. She is a laid back, cute and loving dog whose purpose in life is to solely be around the people she loves, and love them with all her heart.
You can live in your own little world, and Helena just wants to be in the center of it. She just wants to be smothered with love and kisses, and be the other half of the Velcro.