While we have vastly different dietary requirements than our doggy counterparts, there are several items in your pantry that can improve your dog’s diet and overall well-being. Here are four different cupboard staples that can improve your dog’s diet. If you want to find more foods that are good for both you and your dog, we’ve written an article on the 8 Healthy Snacks That Both You And Your Dog Will Enjoy, Click here to find out more!
Feeding your dog leafy green vegetables such as spinach, cabbages, and broccoli have been found to decrease their risk of developing bladder cancer by 90% (source). Furthermore, vegetables like carrots and cucumbers are full of vitamins, which improves your dog’s heart health.
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Berries and apples are full of antioxidants that can help reduce your dog’s system-wide inflammation and restore their active muscles (source). Bananas are also great for your dog as it provides them with heaps of potassium, which is good for their heart, muscles, and nerves.
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Grains and seeds
Adding some grains in your dog’s diet can help boost microbiome diversity and digestive enzymes to support a dog’s healthy gut.
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Why not add some eggs to your dog’s diet? Eggs are packed with protein, fatty acids, and loads of vitamins to help keep them young and healthy. But just remember to only feed your dogs cooked eggs. Never give them raw eggs as your dogs can be exposed to harmful salmonella.
How Much Should I Give Them?
While adding fresh foods like fruits and vegetables into your dog’s diet is beneficial, it’s important to add it slowly and in limited quantities. This is important in order to help prevent potential stomach problems that your dog might encounter.
A well-rounded and nutritious diet is the most important thing that will keep your dog healthy and in top shape. You can improve their diet of wet and dry dog foods by adding small amounts of some cupboard staples to their food, either as a snack or mixing it with their meals. Not only does this help keep your dog happier and healthier, it will also help save you money on vet bills in the future.