Some dogs just want to be the star of the show. While normally they are the star of the household, a 15 year old dog brought an entire city to a standstill.
Zoey is finally reunited with her family after being freed from a clogged storm pipe in Texas after a 10 hour ordeal. It took the combined effort of more than a dozen men to reach Zoey. It wasn’t a simple process. The rescue was made even harder due to the fact that Zoey was deaf.

The rescue involved digging up several feet of dirt and concrete
It took the combined efforts of Arlington’s fire and police departments, paramedics, and volunteers to save her. The responders had to smash up several feet of concrete and dirt in order to reach the drain pipe that Zoey was stuck in. A camera was inserted into the pipe to keep an eye on Zoey throughout the process.
The Arlington Fire Department has shared a video of the rescue on their Facebook page, which has since been viewed more than 17,000 times. Most viewers were relieved to see Zoey had survived the ordeal.
It was the rescue that stopped Arlington. The whole city seemed eager to help rescue the dog, including a kindergartener by the name of Hunter. He offered his skateboard to a firefighter to help pulley Zoey out. As a thank you, everyone from the rescue teams signed the board for Hunter to serve as a memory of the event. Meanwhile, other community members offered food, drinks, and equipment in order to assist the rescue effort.
After a 10 hour ordeal, Zoey was finally rescued from the storm pipe and returned to her owners Andrea and Brennan Tankersley. While Zoey was understandably shaken by the situation, her owners were extremely grateful to all those involved.

Zoey was finally rescued and reunited with her owners after 10 hours.
“They were determined to get her out, regardless of how long it was going to take,” Andrea said. “It was a miracle that Zoey was returned relatively unscathed.”
The rescue showcased the community spirit in all its glory. Every single individual was keen to get involved in the rescue effort in some way. When Zoe was finally out of the drain pipe, the whole community cheered as a whole.
Alternatively, click here to read about a police officer’s dramatic rescue of a drowning dog!