These fans will ‘blow’ your pets away!
Sweet Mommy, a maternity clothes maker in Tokyo, has shifted focus to making portable fans for your pets to help them cool off in the summer heat.

Sweet Mommy’s Cool Dog device will help keep your dog cool this summer. Credit: Sweet Mommy.
If you’re a dog owner in Japan, you can help your dog cool off this summer with these wearable fans.
I’m a ‘Fan’ of This New Pet Accessory!
The fan, weighing only 80 grams, is attached to a breathable mesh outfit. The battery-powered device helps circulate cool air around your pet’s body to help maintain their body temperature.
The president of Sweet Mommy, Rei Uzawa, came up with this ingenious solution after she saw how exhausted her own chihuahua was after they went for a walk.
Tokyo experienced the longest ever heatwave on record back in late June. Temperatures reached 25C for nine consecutive days after the end of its rainy season.

The Cool Dog fan accessory comes in different colours and patterns to suit your pet! Credit: Sweet Mommy.
Japan isn’t the only country facing a severe heat wave at the moment. Dog owners in Britain have been advised against taking their dogs out for walks during the day, but rather earlier in the morning or late at night.
However, record-high humidity levels in Japan are keeping temperatures above 25C even at night.
Mami Kumamoto is a proud owner of two dogs. She got the ‘Cool Dog’ for her miniature poodle Purin and her terrier Moco. Previously, she tried to keep Purin and Moco pool using packs of ice during walks. However, she says it’s much easier using the fans.
The ‘Cool Dog’ device isn’t a new concept. Fan-fitted jackets have been increasing in popularity for Japanese construction workers and individuals that spend a lot of time outdoors.

The device is also compatible with cats as well. Credit: Sweet Mommy.
Since launching in July, Sweet Mommy has already sold more than 100 devices at $107 each.
High Temperatures Expected to Continue
Demand for the product is only expected to increase. Temperatures in Tokyo reached the mid-thirties on the weekend, and the high temperature is predicted to remain in the mid-thirties for much of this week.
Authorities have advised individuals to refrain from going outdoors unless absolutely necessary. They are also reminding people to drink plenty of water during the day to prevent dehydration.
You can find Sweet Mommy’s Cool Dog device here if you’re interested. Unfortunately, the device is not yet available outside of Japan. The device is also compatible with cats.
It’s important to keep your dog cool during hot days to prevent heat stroke. And make sure you DON’T do this unless you want your dog to meet a gruesome end.