As more and more people are actually vaccinated against the coronavirus that caused the pandemic, countries begin to open up and ease restrictions.
Restaurants, malls, and parks closed during the pandemic are beginning to open again for the public to enjoy.
For most people, the easing of restrictions is a relief. However, one particular dog was so relieved to be out and about again that she couldn’t get enough of it.
In Gold Coast, Australia, a Golden Retriever named Elsie became famous on the internet for being one of the funniest dogs in the world.
It all started when her owner, Mike Cook, decided to take her out to the park for a walk. Little did Mike know that something was about to happen to Elsie that would have the entire world laughing.
It was such a lovely day at the park. The sun was out, restaurants were open, and people enjoyed the beautiful day. For Elsie, it was the first time in a long time that her dad had taken her out on a walk for an extended period.
She was having a lot of fun out in the sun, and when she realized that her day was about to end, she did something so dramatic that it made people laugh and left her dad a little embarrassed.
Elsie is a little too smart for her own good. When she realized that her dad was walking in the direction of their home, she suddenly stopped moving.
Mike turned around to see Elsie lying on the ground with her belly up and her paws in the air. He tried to get Elsie up to walk again, but nothing worked.
Elsie was stubborn and showed strong defiance against her dad taking her home.
To get Elsie on her feet again, Mike started by talking to her and telling her they needed to go home.
Mike also tried gently pulling on her leash to get her up when talking didn’t work. When he didn’t have any luck with that, Mike pretended to leave Elsie behind.
He even tried bribing Elsie with a treat. People who witnessed Mike’s predicament laughed out loud and started recording the entire drama unfolding.
By now, Mike was getting embarrassed by all the attention he was getting thanks to Elsie. He even had to explain to some people that Elsie’s okay and that she’s just a drama queen.
Mike’s begging, pleading, and bribing went on for another few minutes until he realized that Elsie would not budge. He decided to give up and do what Elsie wanted to do, which was spend more time outdoors.
Realizing that it was already late in the afternoon, Mike decided that he might as well have something to eat. He walked to a nearby restaurant and started ordering food.
When Elsie saw this, she got back up on her feet and happily trotted to join her dad for a meal.
Here’s a funny video featuring Elsie protesting against her dad taking her home. You have to admit that it was such a lovely day at the park, and you would want to spend as much time outside, especially if you’ve been indoors most of the time during the lockdown. We can’t blame Elsie for having so much fun and refusing to go home.
Video Source ViralHog via YouTube