Many businesses were blindsided by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of them weren’t prepared and didn’t know how to react to the sudden lockdown. Even when the mandatory quarantine period was lifted, a lot of people in the service industry were unable to regain traction.
The Stone House Urban Winery in Maryland was not spared. They had to close down for a few months. When they eventually opened again, they couldn’t entertain in-establishment customers. People had to pick up their products outside their store, or they would deliver the bottles of wine to the customer’s curb.
The business had minimal sales. But then, the owners, Lorie Dixon and Lori Data, had a brilliant idea.
Soda Pup
While making their delivery one day, the two owners talked about their declining profits and how much they needed a way to market their products better. Their discussion came to the virus and how it apparently doesn’t affect dogs. They thought about their 11-year-old Boxer, named Soda Pup, and how cool it would be to have him deliver their wine.
Lorie and Lori got excited about the idea and decided to try it once. They made a makeshift wine saddlebag for the senior pooch that could carry two bottles at a time. Incredibly, their customer for the test delivery loved it.
Lots of appreciation
As more people learned about the unique and adorable delivery system, their sales started to increase. And Soda Pup became more involved in the business. Not that he minds, he gets a lot of appreciation and love from their customers.
Some of them even go to their store just to see the dog and have a picture taken with him. While others make a special request to have Soda Pup deliver their orders. This is an amazing win-win situation for everyone. The business is doing better, the customers are getting more than what they paid for, and Soda Pup is getting all the love that he needs.
Source: Stone House Urban Winery via Facebook