For some lucky office workers, they get the joy of bringing their dog to work everyday. These lucky office dogs get spoiled as not only is their owner next to them for the whole day, they get the attention and love from other coworkers (both human and canine) too.
Thus, being an office dog seems like a remarkably sweet gig, at least by what the pups over at Fi’s @officedogs show. Their Instagram video posted a couple of days ago has made a lot of people envious around the world. But to be fair, when you’re part of a pet-driven company, you’d expect nothing less!
How cute is that???
Would you love to work in a workplace where dogs can hang out and play all day? Of course we would! But let’s be honest though, not a lot of work would be done. We’d all be distracted by giving all our love and attention to the furry cuties around the office!
On the flip side, injecting some positivity into the workplace can work wonders for office morale. Who knows, maybe having these cute puppies around might actually help get more things done!
Or at least that’s what most employees will say if anyone ever questions why there are pets in the workplace.
And if anyone questions the need for dogs in the workplace, they’ve got this video as their perfect alibi, showcasing that these dogs do indeed have a crucial job: spreading love and catching some quality sleep!
As Instagram’s four-legged star @chance_the_mini_golden wisely put it, “that’s an im-paw-tent job!” It truly is. The benefits that both the dogs and their owners receive from the affection and playtime in the office, especially for pups dealing with separation anxiety, make a strong case for introducing dogs into more workplaces, don’t you think?