Dogs are blessed with the gift of charming anyone they meet, whether it be other dogs, humans, or animals from other species. Their curiosity quickly transforms into interest; that’s why they’re not shy to make the first move when there are strangers around.
It’s true, they would bark at first, but once they sense that there’s nothing to be afraid of, they would begin to wag their tales. This is how they communicate that they’re ready to make friends with whoever is around them.
The gift of empathy
Aside from being social animals, our four-legged friends are also blessed with the gift of empathy. They can easily sense when we’re going through something by reading our facial expressions. They know if they need to back up a bit to give us space, but if they think we’re in dire need of warm hugs and wet kisses, they’re willing to give that, too.
While they can’t speak, they know how to communicate with the world around them. They have no trouble telling everyone if they want food, need to go outside to do their business or go to the park to play with other dogs. These pups are also vocal whenever they feel that their owners are not giving them enough attention.
Not one to be ignored
Stella is an adorable Golden Retriever who doesn’t like being ignored. She would pick up whatever items are near her whenever she feels that her humans are not giving her enough attention. Her owners know she feels ignored or neglected whenever they see her carrying random objects inside the house.
They found her little act so hilarious that they shared her photos on Twitter. People from the Twitterverse found the photos so adorable and funny. The thread went viral just hours after posting!
Credits to Travis Zander