Fur parents love to dote on their beloved canine companions. At some point, fur parents even lavish their dogs with the best experiences to make them happy.
Thus, a group of doting fur parents throw a Dalmatian-themed dance party for their adorable dogs. Though the fur parents ended up dressing as Dalmatians themselves, everyone’s pleased with the results.
Yay! Let’s party!
In this groovy video, a group of dogs stand on a verdant green lawn. However, if you try to take a closer look at the video, you’ll notice that there are only two real Dalmatians in it.
By the looks of it, the dogs’ fur parents decided to throw a Dalmatian-themed house party. To get into the theme, some chose to wear Dalmatian costumes, while one decided to dress up as Cruella de Vil.
To spruce things further, fur parents propped Dalmatian stuffed toys and started dancing. Despite the lavish preparations for the party, the two Dalmatians can’t help but wonder what’s going on.
What’s all the commotion?
As the video progressed, the four humans carried on with the party. One by one, the fur parents surrounded the pooches to entice them to join the party, but the two dogs don’t want to do so.
Instead, the Dalmatian pair chose to run around the yard and play their own game. However, one of the dogs finally took an interest in the plush toys as it attempts to grab it.
With the Dalmatian’s sudden charge, fur parent can’t help but drop the toy on the ground. As the dog starts playing with the toy, fur parent resumed dancing in the yard.
Seeing its sibling playing with the toy, do you think the other Dalmatian joined the party?