Along the shorelines of Ukraine, two dogs are cheerfully running and playing around. Their names are Lada and Boston. You might not know it yet, but it has taken a monumental effort to make this possible. This is because they were both hit by cars.
The owner of the two dogs, Vadym Yegorov, said the pair endured a lot of suffering when the pair lived on the streets after being hit. Both Lada and Boston were destined for a slow tragic fate. The local veterinarians decided to put them down as they believed that the pair would have died slowly and painfully. That is when Yegorov intervened.
Mr Yegorov believed that he could give them a second chance. If he could provide them with a wheelchair, then the pressure on their back will be significantly reduced. This meant that they would be able to live a normal life again. They would regain full control of their body, and all the processes and functions would be just like a normal dog. All he needed to do was to find them a wheelchair.
Frakishtak to the Rescue!
Fortunately, he was able to. Frakishtak, a small Ukrainian company based in Kyiv was able to supply Lada and Boston with custom-made wheelchairs. Frakishtak is a company that specialises in manufacturing equipment for disabled animals. The company was founded by Ilona Krylova, who faced a similar problem back in 2011.

Wheelchairs make the lives of disabled animals easier.
She was in the market for a wheelchair, but discovered that they could only be purchased from abroad. Nobody was producing wheelchairs for disabled pets domestically. So she decided to try and make them herself. They started with creating a wheelchair for one disabled animal. Slowly but surely, it became a full on business.
Since 2011, Frakishtak has sold over 2500 items that aim to make the lives of disabled pets easier. Every single item is customised for the animal based on their size and needs.
Ukraine’s Heroes
Vadym Yegorov, along with his wife Olga, have been on a quest to adopt as many abandoned or injured pets as possible. Their tally currently sits just under 40. The adopted pets that required the most attention lived with the Yegorovs in their home, while the healthy ones lived in a separate room out in the yard.
You can check out Frakishtak here!
Alternatively, click here to read this story of how a man pushed his dog on a wheelbarrow up a mountain as a final adventure.