A cop named Eric McCombs rescued dogs everywhere he went. He was on patrol with his partner late at night looking for dogs because the temperature was freezing. He spotted a dog who was tied to a porch, and he knew that he could not leave her there.
It angered him that someone intentionally neglected her. Her thin body showed that she was not regularly fed, and, on top of that, she was chained outside in the cold weather.
Eric and his partner grabbed some dog treats and unchained the dog. She looked glad because someone was being kind to her and readily jumped to the car where she got more treats. They drove her to the animal shelter and she got the name, SweetPea. When they were about to leave, she tried to run after them.
Eric already owned a dog but he could not forget about SweetPea. He drove back to the shelter and offered to adopt her. He knew that his dog food and vet bills would double, but SweetPea was worth it.
SweetPea must have spent her entire life chained outside because she was unsure about every little thing in Eric’s house. She would not go to the bed and the couch. She did not seem to know what peanut butter was. She preferred staying in her bed like it was her first time to have one.
Eric let her take her time to get used to living inside a house without chains. She needed to learn for herself that she was free to go anywhere and good things were in store for her. Slowly, she started to feel comfortable with Eric and his dog. She was so happy to discover that she had a place where she could run and play.
SweetPea loved her new life. She became a happy and carefree dog because of Eric.
Source: The Dodo via YouTube